This poor neglected blog deserves an update...
When I began homeschooling I thought it might be one of my greatest stretches into wild obedience, but it turns out that releasing my kids back into the education system was just as big a stretch.
I started off homeschooling with the thought that I was making a two-year commitment. Once I got into it, I understood that homeschooling wasn't just an educational decision, but a lifestyle. And I liked it. Yet there were signs that it was a gift for a season and that season might be coming to an end.
I sought the wisdom of the Voice I know so well, but it was so hard to hear. A lot of emotions clamoured. Not the least of which was fear. Human wisdom wasn't such a helpful resource as die-hard homeschoolers will tell you one thing and non-homeschoolers can't believe there's actually a question! I'm so thankful I have a praying friends who know about the God who doesn't fit in a box.
Space opened up in a charter school, a school that was the only option I'd seriously consider. That seemed like a green light in a certain direction, but....but, but, but, but! What if? Sigh.
Mercifully, I had a couple months to decide.
Every time I opened my Bible I would come across a verse that said words to this effect: I will lead you...I will guide you...I will instruct you... Every. Single. Time. Apparently, it's a theme.
Ultimately, with only a tenuous thread of surety I registered the kids for school. It was only after the step of wild obedience that the confidence came. Strange how certainty didn't come until after the leap of faith.
We want to have faith, but we dislike the unknown. Yet one requires the other!
We find in the Hebrews 11 catalog of faith heroes a theme of the unknown. Faith involves not seeing. Yet believing. And this...this fragile, timid stepping out into the unknown with a determination to keep eyes fixed on God...pleases the God of the universe. "For he knows our frame; he remembers that we are dust." He knows how short-sighted we are! When we step out in faith, following His call, trusting that He sees a much bigger picture than we do...we bring joy and delight to the Father's heart.
And I need to remember that every morning when I put them on the bus... I believe He takes that trust as a gift and a treasure.
A small, tremulous step into the unknown bring joy to a great big God? Absolutely.
For that is what God is like
He is our God forever and ever,
and He will guide us until we die.
And it is impossible to please God without faith...
Psalm 48:14; Hebrews 11:6
P.S. Wild obedience continues...and so will this blog! :-)