His eyes were intense and anxious. Having his sticker chart filled is the key to getting a Kindersurprise at the end of the week. We'd had company overnight and were late starting.
The sticker chart seemed like divine inspiration--so elementary to you elementary school teachers, I'm sure--and it's been the key to (almost) 'nag-free' homeschooling (sometimes I forget that I'm not supposed to!). The ball is in their court. You want a Kindersurprise on Friday? Do your stuff!
On the morning in question, the answer was, "Of course! There's grace for today! We had guests."
The house rang with his shout of, "Yay for grace!!"
He has no idea. Well, hopefully he's learning. It's my shout for this week too. I feel almost euphoric as I look back over the week. Frustrating moments? Oh, yeah! Tired? Almost indescribably as I had to work several evenings this week. But we made it! Through it all I see grace. Amazing grace. Grace has been the theme of my life this week--strengthening, inspiring, helping us back up again when we stumbled, filling us with laughter. And wonder. Only He could do this in our lives.
He is good!
Taste and see that the Lord is good.
Oh, the joys of those who take refuge in Him!
Psalm 34:8
Taste and see that the Lord is good...ahhhh, so good. Lord, enlarge my capacity to understand Your grace.