My lesson plans tell me that we're a little more than one-third of the way through the year's assignments. Hard to believe... Hard to believe that I wasn't sure I could do it. Hard to believe that we've made it this far!
I think most ventures in wild obedience are like that. We discover that it's entirely possible to do what He's called us to do and at the same time we recognize that it's only by His power and grace.
I gave myself a little self-assessment... I'm not doing all the things I thought I'd do. There are some that I still want to do. I'm making plans to do better on some of that after Christmas. I've also realized that it really is okay to dump some of my expectations. The kids are thriving body, soul and spirit. The principal seems pretty happy with things. :-)
The hard days haven't been as bad as my worst imaginings and the good days have exceeded my expectations. Somehow I know that would work out to a good mathematical equation if my brain was inclined to go there!
I think we're all ready for Christmas break, but we'll power through with a few accommodations for the season. We're going to help out with teacher appreciation at my oldest daughter's school tomorrow. Later in the week we'll take some time off to help with Christmas hampers at the food bank.
Then it's time for some kicking back and relaxing! It'll be good to have a break from the schedule, but I have a feeling we'll be just as eager to get back at it after a couple weeks.
The Lord replied, "I will personally go with you...and I will give you rest--everything will be fine for you." Exodus 33:14
Sunday, December 11, 2011
Saturday, November 26, 2011
If you follow my other blog, you will have seen the scan of this little book of "Encoragements" that I made when I was eight or nine... Discovering it gave me a few ah-ha moments regarding my homeschooling adventures.
With little background in elementary education I sometimes find myself uncertain of what to reasonably expect from my children. These are my ah-ha thoughts:
1. There's still lots of hope for their spelling! Mine sure has improved over the last thirty years. :-) I'm not sure I'm on to the right track yet with curriculum. I'm just encouraged that there's still time to make good spellers out of them yet.
2. There's also hope for their handwriting. My son's writing is downright appalling. Turns out his teacher thought he had some sort of syndrome that made it impossible for him to form his letters properly. He has a syndrome, but it`s completely curable. It's commonly referred to as the "I Don't Care" syndrome. I don't blame the poor woman as she had thirty students to deal with and his attitude can be formidable. I decided that I do care and that he will care someday so I ordered a handwriting program and we started at square one.
I remember feeling embarrassed about my handwriting in Junior High and getting a book and retraining myself. It is possible to improve handwriting. Even with habits developed over years.
There are many ideas floating around about the value of handwriting, etc., so I debated with myself for some time. In the end, I decided that I`m raising a great man and that great men need to communicate clearly so I would tackle handwriting like it matters. If he still writes "like a doctor" someday, at least I tried.
3. Finding this little booklet was very impacting to me personally. It was like I could see my life in panoramic and realized there`s a strong theme of writing for the purpose of encouragement. I do already recognize many of the gifts my children have, but it made me want to be more intentional about nurturing those gifts and also alert to ways the enemy would want to destroy them. I know that in my own life, the places of greatest "calling" have also been the places of greatest attack. I think part of our role as parents is to recognize the giftings of our children and to be very intentional about speaking truth into the lives of our kids.
Blessings on your parenting, homeschooling, and any other wild adventure that you`re on!! He who started the good work in you will be faithful to complete it!
Monday, November 14, 2011
Snow Day!
When you're homeschooling "snow day" takes on a whole new meaning.
It means doing your Math and Language and then running outside and living the joy of it!
The cold melting on your tongue.
The wind biting at your cheeks.
Celebrating all the hope and promise of adventures to come.
Carpe diem!!
It seems to me that living the joy of this moment is an act of worship.
This opportunity feels like a gift.
I am thankful!
It means doing your Math and Language and then running outside and living the joy of it!
The cold melting on your tongue.
The wind biting at your cheeks.
Celebrating all the hope and promise of adventures to come.
Carpe diem!!
It seems to me that living the joy of this moment is an act of worship.
This opportunity feels like a gift.
I am thankful!
Saturday, November 5, 2011
Picking a Number
We had our first visit with our facilitator this week. Thanks to my good friend who has had this facilitator for the last few years, I wasn't nervous--I was actually looking forward to it. She was so delightful, positive and encouraging. It seemed like she really enjoyed getting to know the kids and their interests.
For the sake of record keeping we had to go over a bunch of lists and I was supposed to grade where my kids are at in their learning process, in both mechanics and attitude. I've never liked writing report cards, but I found myself pathetically unable to put a number on my kids. Firstly, I realized that I was inclined to be tougher on my kids than I ever was with other students. It was hard to pick a high number when I know they're capable of going to the moon and back! :-) Secondly, I just plan ol' couldn't reduce them to a number--they're so much more than that. As much as I love numbers and straight lines and precise measurements and things that fit into tidy boxes, my kids fit into my heart not just my brain.
So today I'm thankful that I have been given the privilege to invest my heart into their minds and their hearts. It helps because I kind of feel like I need a "day off" and a date with my husband--instead it's a Saturday where he's working and the big sister is off for a tournament. The break and the date will happen. Pausing to give thanks renews my strength for today. That's all I need--strength and joy for today.
For the sake of record keeping we had to go over a bunch of lists and I was supposed to grade where my kids are at in their learning process, in both mechanics and attitude. I've never liked writing report cards, but I found myself pathetically unable to put a number on my kids. Firstly, I realized that I was inclined to be tougher on my kids than I ever was with other students. It was hard to pick a high number when I know they're capable of going to the moon and back! :-) Secondly, I just plan ol' couldn't reduce them to a number--they're so much more than that. As much as I love numbers and straight lines and precise measurements and things that fit into tidy boxes, my kids fit into my heart not just my brain.
So today I'm thankful that I have been given the privilege to invest my heart into their minds and their hearts. It helps because I kind of feel like I need a "day off" and a date with my husband--instead it's a Saturday where he's working and the big sister is off for a tournament. The break and the date will happen. Pausing to give thanks renews my strength for today. That's all I need--strength and joy for today.
"Those who look to him for help will be radiant with joy;
no shadow of shame will darken their faces."
Psalm 34:5
*Also wanted to a share a link to a post in Sonlight's blog about requiring proficiency that really encouraged me in some of the choices I'm making with my son. It might encourage you too!
Monday, October 31, 2011
"Even when you are chased by those who seek to kill you.."
My friend laughed as I began reading this verse, "At least no one's trying to kill me!"
Sure, no person is chasing me down with a weapon, but I'm pretty sure discouragement is trying to choke the life out of me, the sense of being overwhelmed is suffocating...slowing down the Life-giving flow of oxygen. Inadequacy. Anxiety. Weariness. It can be so many things--you know what it is for you--and, yes, it's an enemy that wants to "kill" you, to shut down the flow of Life in you and through you. Especially, if you've said yes to an adventure of any kind in wild obedience.
Before you discount yourself from being on an adventure of wild obedience, may I remind you that such adventures are seldom the kind found on front pages of newspapers? Rather the truly great ones go unseen... A mother wiping up the umpteenth mess with a song of thanksgiving. A man faithfully going to work to provide for his family. A moment taken from a busy day to write a line of encouragement. A smile and word of kindness for a weary cashier. Any act that is not self-centered is an act of obedience to the call to love like He loves. Some are definitely more costly than others, but all reflect a greater glory.
It's good to stop and recognize this. This attack on my life flow is because I'm doing something amazing! You are a force to be reckoned with, therefore, worthy of being distracted, distressed, and disturbed.
"Even when you are chased by those who seek to kill you.....your life is safe in the care of the Lord your God, secure in his treasure pouch!"*
Chased. Yet safe.
A contract out on your life. But secure.
A treasure. Safe in the care of the Lord.
Doesn't it make you feel wild and free to laugh in the face of the destroyer? That laughter clears the sense of oppression and Life flows, filling with strength. I'm safe in His treasure pouch!
*1 Samuel 25:29a
This promise was spoken to David, but all who believe and receive Jesus have access to all the promises. See Romans 11.
Friday, October 21, 2011
Joy follows Obedience
How on earth can I top last week's post? Furthermore, could my kids possibly enjoy having me teach them after the brilliantly entertaining antics of last week's teacher? Math did go so much better than it had been--clearly Hillary had an effect on them, which only stands to reason as Hillary's method was very fun AND her mom is, in my opinion, The World's Best Math Teacher. (I'd post a link here to Esther's fan page, but she doesn't have one and would only giggle if I suggested such a thing.)
After a week away, I found myself eagerly anticipating the return to our school room. I breathed a sigh of contentment as I snuggled down in the beanbag with the kids and our science book. I had an epiphany: I'm homeschooling because I like it. Because it's fun.
There are so many answers to the question, "Why are you homeschooling?" I always struggle with finding a short one. So many factors went into the decision. I care very much that I don't come across as offensive in any way...
The question hasn't troubled Devin a bit. When asked while at the grocery store during "school hours", he piped in and said, "'Cause I'm awesome!" Totally true.
I'm not sure that saying I do it "because it's fun" will help much...but it wouldn't be the first time my answer to a question provoked a bewildered look!! :-)
It does make me chuckle to hear myself say it. I had so many fears before I took the plunge. It just reminds me once again that joy follows obedience...every time. (Note: For us, for this time, homeschooling was a step of obedience--we don't think that it's for everyone!)
Some pictures of this morning's experiment showing how the electrical forces between water molecules create surface tension:
Rediscovering these things through the eyes of my kids is definitely fun. Sixty-two drops of water will sit on a toonie ($2 coin)--who knew?
After a week away, I found myself eagerly anticipating the return to our school room. I breathed a sigh of contentment as I snuggled down in the beanbag with the kids and our science book. I had an epiphany: I'm homeschooling because I like it. Because it's fun.
There are so many answers to the question, "Why are you homeschooling?" I always struggle with finding a short one. So many factors went into the decision. I care very much that I don't come across as offensive in any way...
The question hasn't troubled Devin a bit. When asked while at the grocery store during "school hours", he piped in and said, "'Cause I'm awesome!" Totally true.
I'm not sure that saying I do it "because it's fun" will help much...but it wouldn't be the first time my answer to a question provoked a bewildered look!! :-)
It does make me chuckle to hear myself say it. I had so many fears before I took the plunge. It just reminds me once again that joy follows obedience...every time. (Note: For us, for this time, homeschooling was a step of obedience--we don't think that it's for everyone!)
Some pictures of this morning's experiment showing how the electrical forces between water molecules create surface tension:
Rediscovering these things through the eyes of my kids is definitely fun. Sixty-two drops of water will sit on a toonie ($2 coin)--who knew?
The Lord is my strength and shield.
I trust him with all my heart.
He helps me, and my heart is filled with joy.
I burst out in songs of thanksgiving.
Psalm 28:7
Sunday, October 16, 2011
Guest Post by Substitute "Mom-Schooler"
I was a Substitute Homeschooling Teacher for four days.
Well... almost four days. Somehow things got away from me on Friday, and we were out on a "field trip" for pizza with friends instead of sitting on the school beanbag learning our History lesson. But I hear random "field trips" are common in the Homeschooling circle.
Well... almost four days. Somehow things got away from me on Friday, and we were out on a "field trip" for pizza with friends instead of sitting on the school beanbag learning our History lesson. But I hear random "field trips" are common in the Homeschooling circle.
This week I had the privilege of stepping into Michelle's shoes and caring for her three kids while she was away. I ALSO had the privilege of *attempting* to homeschool her two youngest while she was gone. As a "Sub," for Michelle, I jumped at the opportunity to do a "guest post" on her homeschooling blog. She doesn't even get to edit it...(right?!?)
In thinking about what to put in this special guest post, it seemed only logical that I include a list of what I, the "outsider," learned about homeschooling. Note: The term "outsider" only means that I grew up in the public school system and never experienced the joys of homeschooling! This is a non-exhaustive list of things that I came up with:
- Homeschooling means EVERYONE learns--even the teacher. At times, it felt like I the teacher was learning more than my students! For example, in Language Arts I learned that the word, "swum" is sometimes acceptable..something like a "past-present-participle helping verb". Oh, and for Science, I learned that the Arctic Terns travel 35,000km every migration season (whoa!), and that the Fairy Tern doesn't even lay its eggs in a NEST--it just plops 'em down in a branch groove or fork! It was revelation after revelation as Homeschoolin' Hillary taught the two prodigies.
- Homeschooling means it can be Pajama Day two days in a row.
- Homeschooling means kids can be done school by noon and have the rest of the day to just be kids!
- Homeschooling gives you the teacher the excuse to say things like, "When I was young, we...(wrote 32,445 instead of 32445; spelled that word THIS way; didn't have calculators; didn't have "txting language"; had chalk slates; walked uphill both ways; had nothing but dirt and a rusty can to play with at recess)
- Homeschooling means more cuddle time and quality time spent with the kids you love...which only reinforces to your children the truth that they matter to you and are special!
- Homeschooling means you can explain to kids that Evolution just can't hold a candle to our Creator-Yahweh! God can be incorporated into every subject (well...Math is a hard one...but I prayed more about getting through Math than about any other subject!!!)
- And........
Homeschooling means you can be wild and crazy and innovative and tailor the lesson to keep your children interested in learning. For example, this is how this Substitute Teacher decided to practice Math one day:
It was such a cool experience substituting for Michelle this past week. Homeschooling takes a lot of patience, time, and energy...but I can see how these two kids are thriving and growing as a result of their mom's commitment and sacrifice. It's amazing. And, Michelle--I would sub for you again! As long as you keep their Math and L.A. assignments reduced... ;)
Stay strong in the Lord and the power of His Might!
P.S. If you would like to follow ANOTHER hilarious and profound blog, check out
P.S. If you would like to follow ANOTHER hilarious and profound blog, check out
Saturday, October 8, 2011
Giving Thanks
It's the weekend that we Canadians celebrate the goodness and bounty of our lives. So many things to be thankful for... Our annual tradition is to pause between turkey and dessert for each one around the table to express thanks for the greatest blessing they've received in the last year. It's always hard to choose, I often have to say a few, and I usually shed a few tears.
High on my list this year is definitely this adventure in wild obedience. In the spring I was agonizing over whether or not to teach two kids at home and at the same time feeling a bit of anxiety about some of the things my oldest was dealing with in junior high. I went over all the possible outcomes of all of the possible choices, realizing there were risks to any decision and trust would be required. It was going to be a leap of faith to take the steps that we believed God was directing for each of our children--for the ones we would teach at home and the one we would send to school.
At that time, I came across this verse:
High on my list this year is definitely this adventure in wild obedience. In the spring I was agonizing over whether or not to teach two kids at home and at the same time feeling a bit of anxiety about some of the things my oldest was dealing with in junior high. I went over all the possible outcomes of all of the possible choices, realizing there were risks to any decision and trust would be required. It was going to be a leap of faith to take the steps that we believed God was directing for each of our children--for the ones we would teach at home and the one we would send to school.
At that time, I came across this verse:
"I will teach all your children,
and they will enjoy great peace."
Isaiah 54:13
Isaiah 54:13
ALL my children. He will teach them. They will enjoy great peace! What a promise! I claimed it as my verse. I even have the lettering to put it up in my classroom...someday...when I have some spare time... I want the reminder that He's there helping these little ones that I'm teaching and that He's there helping the one who is in a different classroom.
I can see that it's true as I look back over the few weeks of school so far. He's been there, involved in their lives, working things out in their hearts that I never could have orchestrated. He loves them and is invested in their lives.
Today I give thanks for this wondrous miracle and I bless you with the peace of knowing that He will teach your children and give them great peace--whatever educational path they are on.
Sunday, October 2, 2011
One Month Report Card
One month of homeschooling under our belt and I think we should celebrate! (Should I finish that sentence with, "...but I'm too tired!"?)
Monday this week was definitely the low point. I guess the honeymoon stage had worn off...and it was Monday morning after a big weekend. Thank God, a friend called at just the right time and I admitted that we were having a bad, sad day! She was so kind and didn't offer annoying advice or platitudes, but simply asked if she could pray right then, over the phone. It changed everything! Things definitely improved after that. I love that He cares and sent someone to display that love at just the right time.
The high point was when the Principal came and taught Math:
And my little warrior tackled his math as a little warrior should--fully armed and ready for battle:
As I evaluate everything, I'm in awe of the good fruit that I can already see from this venture. It is producing in my kids all I had hoped for and more than I'd dreamed of and I'm having more fun than I'd thought I would!
I read a verse this morning that kind of sums up how I feel about it. King David had asked God if he should go and fight the Philistines and God told him that he should. Sure enough, the Philistines are defeated and David exclaims, "God did it! He used me to burst through my enemies like a raging flood!" I love how David asks for direction, God guides, David obeys, and God comes through for him. David's response is awe-filled worship!
Keep seeking and obeying--He'll come through for you! I believe it gives Him great joy.
*1 Chronicles 14:11
Monday this week was definitely the low point. I guess the honeymoon stage had worn off...and it was Monday morning after a big weekend. Thank God, a friend called at just the right time and I admitted that we were having a bad, sad day! She was so kind and didn't offer annoying advice or platitudes, but simply asked if she could pray right then, over the phone. It changed everything! Things definitely improved after that. I love that He cares and sent someone to display that love at just the right time.
The high point was when the Principal came and taught Math:
And my little warrior tackled his math as a little warrior should--fully armed and ready for battle:
As I evaluate everything, I'm in awe of the good fruit that I can already see from this venture. It is producing in my kids all I had hoped for and more than I'd dreamed of and I'm having more fun than I'd thought I would!
I read a verse this morning that kind of sums up how I feel about it. King David had asked God if he should go and fight the Philistines and God told him that he should. Sure enough, the Philistines are defeated and David exclaims, "God did it! He used me to burst through my enemies like a raging flood!" I love how David asks for direction, God guides, David obeys, and God comes through for him. David's response is awe-filled worship!
Keep seeking and obeying--He'll come through for you! I believe it gives Him great joy.
*1 Chronicles 14:11
Friday, September 23, 2011
Like He Loves
I knew the hardest part would be staying positive and having patience when the kids had a bad attitude.
What do you do when they just aren't teachable? They should be so thankful! They should know that I have their best interests in mind. They should... They should... It's so easy to become offended by the negative attitudes and behavior of our children.
Math has been so challenging. They have felt frustrated. It's too hard. Tell me about it. There's nothing easy about teaching someone who doesn't want to learn...
Nothing is learned and nothing gained in doing only what is easy and familiar. For the kids and for me. Once again, I know there's something He wants me to learn. There's more at play than the challenge of long division. There's a Grand Efficiency wherein we're all growing in this process...
One morning all I met was furrowed brows and whining. Stubbornness. My jaws were aching, clenched. Anger was simmering. All around. How on earth am I supposed to deal with this?? A whisper answered my anguished cry, "Love like He does...expecting nothing in return."
Time out for mom--I know this verse. I need to find it and read it in it's entirety--and figure out how it apply it to this struggle.
What do you do when they just aren't teachable? They should be so thankful! They should know that I have their best interests in mind. They should... They should... It's so easy to become offended by the negative attitudes and behavior of our children.
Math has been so challenging. They have felt frustrated. It's too hard. Tell me about it. There's nothing easy about teaching someone who doesn't want to learn...
Nothing is learned and nothing gained in doing only what is easy and familiar. For the kids and for me. Once again, I know there's something He wants me to learn. There's more at play than the challenge of long division. There's a Grand Efficiency wherein we're all growing in this process...
One morning all I met was furrowed brows and whining. Stubbornness. My jaws were aching, clenched. Anger was simmering. All around. How on earth am I supposed to deal with this?? A whisper answered my anguished cry, "Love like He does...expecting nothing in return."
Time out for mom--I know this verse. I need to find it and read it in it's entirety--and figure out how it apply it to this struggle.
"Watch what God does, and then you do it,
like children who learn proper behavior from their parents.
Mostly what God does is love you.
Keep company with him and learn a life of love.
Keep company with him and learn a life of love.
Observe how Christ loved us.
His love was not cautious but extravagant.
He didn't love in order to get something from us
but to give everything of himself to us.
Love like that."*
Not cautious, but extravagant. Expecting nothing in return. Giving everything of himself to us.
No punishment. He took that upon Himself. No condemnation. No guilt trip. No "should-ing" on us.
I returned to the classroom humbled. Boundaries and consequences must remain, but my anger won't accomplish anything I truly desire. I love the way the Amplified Bible says that "God's love in us is...patient, kind, long suffering, never envious or touchy or fretful or resentful." God's love in us. I don't have to, couldn't possibly, come up with it on my own...I do have to pause and lean into Him. Receiving so I can give.
No one's jumping up and down with excitement about math...yet. A little one did snuggle up to me and say, "Thanks, Mom. I like you." Good fruit.
*Ephesians 5:1-2 MSG
No discipline is enjoyable while it is happening--it's painful!
But afterward there will be a peaceful harvest of
right living for those who are trained in this way.
So take a new grip with your tired hands
and strengthen your weak knees.
Mark out a straight path for your feet so that those
who are weak and lame will not fall but become strong.
Hebrews 12:11-13
*Ephesians 5:1-2 MSG
Just for fun...
(...more serious post to follow.)
Introducing a great author (expect to see her writing published someday):
The bane of all great authors is all the pesky interruptions of the mundane...or, in this case, little brothers.
Now if you can't beat them, sometimes the best strategy is to join them...or get them to join you--by putting them to work...
...looking up really big words in the dictionary...
...until, hopefully, you wear them out and they leave you alone!
By the way, one of the Little Man's favorite things about homeschooling is the dress code! :-)
Introducing a great author (expect to see her writing published someday):
The bane of all great authors is all the pesky interruptions of the mundane...or, in this case, little brothers.
Now if you can't beat them, sometimes the best strategy is to join them...or get them to join you--by putting them to work...
...looking up really big words in the dictionary...
...until, hopefully, you wear them out and they leave you alone!
By the way, one of the Little Man's favorite things about homeschooling is the dress code! :-)
Friday, September 16, 2011
Yay for Grace!
"Will I still get my Ready to Learn sticker?"
His eyes were intense and anxious. Having his sticker chart filled is the key to getting a Kindersurprise at the end of the week. We'd had company overnight and were late starting.
The sticker chart seemed like divine inspiration--so elementary to you elementary school teachers, I'm sure--and it's been the key to (almost) 'nag-free' homeschooling (sometimes I forget that I'm not supposed to!). The ball is in their court. You want a Kindersurprise on Friday? Do your stuff!
"Ready to Learn" means that you're dressed, brushed, bed made, and ready to learn at 8:30. There's a sticker for every subject and piano/guitar practice. The jar of Kindersurprises (purchased in bulk) sits on the table as reminder of the goal.
On the morning in question, the answer was, "Of course! There's grace for today! We had guests."
The house rang with his shout of, "Yay for grace!!"
He has no idea. Well, hopefully he's learning. It's my shout for this week too. I feel almost euphoric as I look back over the week. Frustrating moments? Oh, yeah! Tired? Almost indescribably as I had to work several evenings this week. But we made it! Through it all I see grace. Amazing grace. Grace has been the theme of my life this week--strengthening, inspiring, helping us back up again when we stumbled, filling us with laughter. And wonder. Only He could do this in our lives.
He is good!
His eyes were intense and anxious. Having his sticker chart filled is the key to getting a Kindersurprise at the end of the week. We'd had company overnight and were late starting.
The sticker chart seemed like divine inspiration--so elementary to you elementary school teachers, I'm sure--and it's been the key to (almost) 'nag-free' homeschooling (sometimes I forget that I'm not supposed to!). The ball is in their court. You want a Kindersurprise on Friday? Do your stuff!
On the morning in question, the answer was, "Of course! There's grace for today! We had guests."
The house rang with his shout of, "Yay for grace!!"
He has no idea. Well, hopefully he's learning. It's my shout for this week too. I feel almost euphoric as I look back over the week. Frustrating moments? Oh, yeah! Tired? Almost indescribably as I had to work several evenings this week. But we made it! Through it all I see grace. Amazing grace. Grace has been the theme of my life this week--strengthening, inspiring, helping us back up again when we stumbled, filling us with laughter. And wonder. Only He could do this in our lives.
He is good!
Taste and see that the Lord is good.
Oh, the joys of those who take refuge in Him!
Psalm 34:8
Friday, September 9, 2011
The Important Lesson
"I can't!! I can't do it!!"
You have no idea how crazy those shouted words make me feel. It seems it would be so much easier to ask for help or something...
And so before I blow and he melts down completely, I send him outside for a few minutes. I stand at my kitchen window and watch him struggle. I pray that he'll find the courage to face the giant. My heart aches as I watch him run with tears streaming, dog keeping pace trying to comfort. I know this is why we're here. In a classroom this would be a behavioral problem, but here in my home it's the heart that matters--and can matter--more than nouns and verbs. Learning how to face giants is the most important lesson of all.
I pray and wait. And the gentle reminder comes that I too sometimes feel like "I can't". It might look different, but it's all the same. It wasn't that long ago that I said, "I can't" to homeschooling and now I find myself doing it by His power and grace. "I can't," turned into, "Please help!" and something amazing happened.
A little callused hand slips into mine and eyes that are shining with more than tears tell me that he's ready. Not only is he ready, but he has a new idea about how to tackle the problem. Something I hadn't thought of.
It worked.
I'm in awe.
This child has a heavenly Father who is on his side. My part is so small--important, but small. The greatness of the God who created this little man and Who longs to see him succeed even more than I do--this power is on his side.
The fact that he later asked, "Mom, am I an action verb?" is just the icing on the cake.
Our God is ready, willing, available to help. We just need to ask. And wait, listening, for the answer.
You have no idea how crazy those shouted words make me feel. It seems it would be so much easier to ask for help or something...
And so before I blow and he melts down completely, I send him outside for a few minutes. I stand at my kitchen window and watch him struggle. I pray that he'll find the courage to face the giant. My heart aches as I watch him run with tears streaming, dog keeping pace trying to comfort. I know this is why we're here. In a classroom this would be a behavioral problem, but here in my home it's the heart that matters--and can matter--more than nouns and verbs. Learning how to face giants is the most important lesson of all.
I pray and wait. And the gentle reminder comes that I too sometimes feel like "I can't". It might look different, but it's all the same. It wasn't that long ago that I said, "I can't" to homeschooling and now I find myself doing it by His power and grace. "I can't," turned into, "Please help!" and something amazing happened.
A little callused hand slips into mine and eyes that are shining with more than tears tell me that he's ready. Not only is he ready, but he has a new idea about how to tackle the problem. Something I hadn't thought of.
It worked.
I'm in awe.
This child has a heavenly Father who is on his side. My part is so small--important, but small. The greatness of the God who created this little man and Who longs to see him succeed even more than I do--this power is on his side.
The fact that he later asked, "Mom, am I an action verb?" is just the icing on the cake.
Our God is ready, willing, available to help. We just need to ask. And wait, listening, for the answer.
What shall we say about such wonderful things as these?
If God is for us, who can ever be against us?"
Romans 8:31
Friday, September 2, 2011
It's a Wrap
We've completed our first week and I'm feeling good about it. There have been highs and lows...
Day Two brought, "I hate being homeschooled!"
Perhaps I shouldn't have laughed out loud, but I was expecting this sooner or later.
"So you'd rather be at school ___________?" I asked, reminding him of something I knew wasn't his favorite.
He grunted.
Fifteen years of marriage has given me the ability to interpret a wide variety of grunts and that one definitely meant, "You've got a point. Let's not talk about it any more."
Day Three started with the kids fighting, physically, on the steps before we'd even made it to the school room. Didn't laugh at that one, but we got through it with lessons learned. That's what we're here for. I need to remember that!
I managed to get the essential stuff done at my paying job, the laundry isn't all folded yet (the kids' job), I have a few unanswered e-mails, and the kitchen floor is definitely dirty. I've had an incredible amount of loving, prayerful support. I've laughed and cried. We've had moments of connecting with friends--a need I was very concerned about for all of us. It's a wrap and I'm calling it a success.
Remembering the high level of anxiety I felt about this four months ago, I feel a sense of awe and wonder at the goodness of my Father who brought me gently to this place. I'm keenly aware that there will be challenging days ahead and I'm determined to keep my eyes on the One who brought us safely through this week. He will be there ready and willing to help.
Thankful. Thankful. Thankful!
Day Two brought, "I hate being homeschooled!"
Perhaps I shouldn't have laughed out loud, but I was expecting this sooner or later.
"So you'd rather be at school ___________?" I asked, reminding him of something I knew wasn't his favorite.
He grunted.
Fifteen years of marriage has given me the ability to interpret a wide variety of grunts and that one definitely meant, "You've got a point. Let's not talk about it any more."
Day Three started with the kids fighting, physically, on the steps before we'd even made it to the school room. Didn't laugh at that one, but we got through it with lessons learned. That's what we're here for. I need to remember that!
I managed to get the essential stuff done at my paying job, the laundry isn't all folded yet (the kids' job), I have a few unanswered e-mails, and the kitchen floor is definitely dirty. I've had an incredible amount of loving, prayerful support. I've laughed and cried. We've had moments of connecting with friends--a need I was very concerned about for all of us. It's a wrap and I'm calling it a success.
Remembering the high level of anxiety I felt about this four months ago, I feel a sense of awe and wonder at the goodness of my Father who brought me gently to this place. I'm keenly aware that there will be challenging days ahead and I'm determined to keep my eyes on the One who brought us safely through this week. He will be there ready and willing to help.
Thankful. Thankful. Thankful!
"This is the Lord's doing; it is marvelous in our eyes!"
Psalm 118:23
Wednesday, August 31, 2011
First Day
Awake at five...too excited to go back to sleep! ALL the kids were up and spinning with excitement by seven. The Firstborn all dolled up and ready to see her friends, the other two chomping at the bit to check out what we'd done to the school room.
I let them go look while I drank my coffee.
Three subjects done and muffins made by eleven. Next on the agenda was the annual back-to-school celebration (which usually takes place when shopping for school supplies)--ice cream at the Marble Slab. The excursion was all the sweeter shared with good friends who also homeschool and had just returned yesterday from being overseas for five months.
As we whipped through WalMart, grabbing a few things on our way home, we shared a good laugh over the fact that our kids in no way fit the stereotype of perfectly behaved little homeschool children. All four were dangling off the cart, flailing about and laughing. We had so much to catch up on that the kids didn't get the scolding they might have. Grandmothers did a double-take.
Happy healthy children who just won't fit into a box.
No jean skirts or birkenstocks.
Two good friends who've shared a lot of laughter and tears over the years.
We'll be there for each other on the days that aren't quite so much fun. Today was for celebrating.
At the end of the day, my son gave me a huge bear hug and said, "I love homeschooling, Mom! Thank you."
That'll keep me going for a few days.
I let them go look while I drank my coffee.
Three subjects done and muffins made by eleven. Next on the agenda was the annual back-to-school celebration (which usually takes place when shopping for school supplies)--ice cream at the Marble Slab. The excursion was all the sweeter shared with good friends who also homeschool and had just returned yesterday from being overseas for five months.
As we whipped through WalMart, grabbing a few things on our way home, we shared a good laugh over the fact that our kids in no way fit the stereotype of perfectly behaved little homeschool children. All four were dangling off the cart, flailing about and laughing. We had so much to catch up on that the kids didn't get the scolding they might have. Grandmothers did a double-take.
Happy healthy children who just won't fit into a box.
No jean skirts or birkenstocks.
Two good friends who've shared a lot of laughter and tears over the years.
We'll be there for each other on the days that aren't quite so much fun. Today was for celebrating.
At the end of the day, my son gave me a huge bear hug and said, "I love homeschooling, Mom! Thank you."
That'll keep me going for a few days.
Tuesday, August 30, 2011
'Twas the Night Before Homeschooling...
It was the night before homeschooling...and the end of one of my worst mothering days of the summer. Patience ran out. And I'm supposed to patiently teach these two all winter?
I had to say I was sorry for losing my temper.
Big blue eyes looked up and asked, "Can we do it?" Was she wondering that about the same things as I? So we reminded each other that we can do all things with His strength. We forgave each other and hugged each other and I had my hope renewed.
My courage was also revived through a wonderful friend!
I'm not an elementary school teacher. I'm confident that I could teach you how to write an essay, but I know I'm not the best at creating a "fun" learning environment.
Enter my lovely friend Rose! Rose is a grade three teacher who's taking a break to raise two great little guys. She went through her stuff and brought me a bundle. She gave all kinds of suggestions on how to arrange things (on funky angles rather than the dull 90 degrees I would have!). Her enthusiasm was contagious. She brightened my day and my learning space and reminded me that I don't have to do this alone!
Brian hung white boards.
I arranged a cozy reading space.
And we're ready to go!
I had to say I was sorry for losing my temper.
Big blue eyes looked up and asked, "Can we do it?" Was she wondering that about the same things as I? So we reminded each other that we can do all things with His strength. We forgave each other and hugged each other and I had my hope renewed.
My courage was also revived through a wonderful friend!
I'm not an elementary school teacher. I'm confident that I could teach you how to write an essay, but I know I'm not the best at creating a "fun" learning environment.
Enter my lovely friend Rose! Rose is a grade three teacher who's taking a break to raise two great little guys. She went through her stuff and brought me a bundle. She gave all kinds of suggestions on how to arrange things (on funky angles rather than the dull 90 degrees I would have!). Her enthusiasm was contagious. She brightened my day and my learning space and reminded me that I don't have to do this alone!
Brian hung white boards.
I arranged a cozy reading space.
And we're ready to go!
I am humbled by today's failures and lifted up by grace.
Tomorrow morning I will put my firstborn on the bus with a hug and a prayer. Then with hugs and prayers I'll embark on this new adventure with the other two.
Be strong and courageous!
Do not be afraid or discouraged.
For the Lord your God is with you wherever you go.
Joshua 1:9
Tuesday, August 16, 2011
Feeling Like a Yo-yo
In my private confessions with close friends I've frequently found myself saying, "I'm feeling like such a yo-yo." It feels like something I don't want to admit publicly. (You know, like on a blog.) After all, there are those who are eager to point out all the obvious reasons why homeschooling is a crazy idea.
All the stacks of shiny new books fill me with excitement and I can hardly wait to get started!
The kids are bickering. Again. I take deep breaths.
We do a trial run of an online Spanish lesson and for the rest of the day the kids repeat the ten words they learned. They're such little sponges--they're fun to teach!
By the time supper is over I'm spent. And they still need to be put to bed. My son reminds me that, "You can't rush prayers." I take deep breaths.
This morning my friend tells me, "Yo-yos are fun!" (You can see why she's one of my favorite people.)
I find myself pondering.
A yo-yo is sent out, but always remains anchored. In the hands of a master it can do amazing things. When it reaches the end of it's rope, it bounces back to the hand that sent it...most of the time. Sometimes it just dangles, hanging helplessly without enough momentum to return. Then the Master gently rewinds it. He may send it out again with fresh momentum...or tuck it in His pocket for a bit.
Sometimes I feel like a yo-yo. And it's okay.
All the stacks of shiny new books fill me with excitement and I can hardly wait to get started!
The kids are bickering. Again. I take deep breaths.
We do a trial run of an online Spanish lesson and for the rest of the day the kids repeat the ten words they learned. They're such little sponges--they're fun to teach!
By the time supper is over I'm spent. And they still need to be put to bed. My son reminds me that, "You can't rush prayers." I take deep breaths.
This morning my friend tells me, "Yo-yos are fun!" (You can see why she's one of my favorite people.)
I find myself pondering.
A yo-yo is sent out, but always remains anchored. In the hands of a master it can do amazing things. When it reaches the end of it's rope, it bounces back to the hand that sent it...most of the time. Sometimes it just dangles, hanging helplessly without enough momentum to return. Then the Master gently rewinds it. He may send it out again with fresh momentum...or tuck it in His pocket for a bit.
Sometimes I feel like a yo-yo. And it's okay.
"...Your life is safe in the care of the Lord your God,
secure in his treasure pouch."
(1 Samuel 25:29b)
Tuesday, August 2, 2011
The Beginning
We're going to homeschool two-thirds of our children.
For some of you that's explanation enough for the title of this blog. Me too.
You see, I love my kids AND my solitude. I love teaching my kids AND teaching the adults I work with. I love the school my kids have attended.
For me this is a step of wild obedience. To some that may sound like a wild overstatement. It's not.
Sometimes the obedience required of us is huge but happens quietly and goes unnoticed except by the angels. Some obedience is public and risks censure.
The reaction to this news has been quite varied: incredulous, angry, curious, skeptical, respectful, laughing, defensive, wondering...all from people I care about and whom I truly believe care about me.
Those who have walked closest to my heart through my parenting journey have responded very quietly, often with tears, but always along the lines of, "Wow." To know us well is to know that we wouldn't make this decision lightly. It is to know that we recognize the cost, but trust the One who is calling.
My nutshell philosophy on choosing a method of education is this: Our children are all unique. The plan for their lives is unique. Only God knows their future and specifically what is required to prepare them for that future. As parents, our job is to seek His leading (He wants to lead us!) and obey. Whatever choice we make, it feels like a risk and requires trust. I'm so thankful to live in a country where that freedom is recognized and supported by our government.
We do not believe that God says everyone should be homeschooled. We are not homeschooling because we want to keep our children "safe from the world". We're simply being wildly obedient.
If you choose to follow this blog, I hope you'll be encouraged--whether in your own homeschooling journey or in some other wild obedience. Hopefully, we'll laugh and cry together. And pray for each other. As one very dear elderly man said, "I'll pray for you. As you teach the children, God will be teaching you." I couldn't ask for a better blessing.
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